of searches are organized annually to help locate Autistic individuals.
We also have a CTR-16 tracking device,
which is a tracking device that we lease to families for their loved ones. Once the loved one slips out the door, or
is hiding in the house, basement or a closet, the CTR-16 tracking device, works on a directional antenna with pin point accuracy
to finding the transmitter/bracelet. We train the families and law enforcement agencies on how to use the CTR-16 tracking
device. (or anyone the family wants trained on the CTR-16.)
We make the bracelets personal to
the individual by placing cartoon characters, family members, pets or something that they would feel would be their own
special bracelet.
We have had great success in having Autistic individuals wear the bracelet. It is like
anything new, they play with it for about an hour, but after that they leave it alone.
We have heard from families the child does not want to take it off to have the battery
and band changed.